Kudlian Soft - Podcaster
More podcasting software from a British company. This one is free and geared toward education.
via Educational Weblogs
What academic technologists and research librarians at Wheaton College (Norton, MA) are thinking about...
More podcasting software from a British company. This one is free and geared toward education.
FileMaker announced version 8 today. Can't say I feel too excited about this after just going through the FileMaker 7 upgrade... which we just worked on over the summer.
Jotspot is a great wiki-hosting service that I think I have mentioned here in the past. Now there's JotSpot Live, which takes advantage of AJAX to allow you to see edits live. Free accounts are available.
ARTstor announced this morning to Primary, User Support, and Technical Contacts from subscribing institutions that it is making Personal Collection Tools available.
After doing some work on a class blog, I decided I needed to spruce up our site a bit. So, I just added a blogroll in the right hand column of this site that is generated from my Bloglines account.
More fun with Google Map Hacks...
And the term of the day (month? year?) is... Web 2.0
Alan Levine points to another interesting application of Google Maps on CogDogBlog. On this site, find an outline of any zip code on a map.
The start of school frenzy has put me a bit behind in my blog reading and writing. So, here's a link to a post by Bryan Alexander from earlier this month on the MANE IT Network Blog about Raw Sugar. Raw Sugar is another social bookmarking tool like del.icio.us with some added features that definitely makes it more appealing. (You can even import your del.icio.us bookmarks into it.)
Chrissa just pointed out to me that Google now has a Blog Search. Wheaton's Latest and Greatest Blog (i.e. the one you are reading now) comes up fourth when you do a search for it. When I narcissistically search for myself, all of my posts on this site come up immediately. Nice.
ArtStor has just announced that the Offline Image Viewer 2.0 is now available for Mac users (2.0 for Windows was released several weeks ago). This new version is significantly different than the previous version -- the main difference being that users can now construct PowerPointesque presentations if they want to.
"The latest release of the ARTstor Offline Image Viewer (version 2.0) contains additional features and enhanced functionality that were not available in previous versions of the software. Many of the new features are a direct result of user feedback and recommendations.
In addition to all of the functionality of previous versions, the new release of the Offline Image Viewer will include the following new features:"
- Blank "slides" can now be created for each screen of a presentation;
ARTstor images and local images can be pasted into the slides;- Customized text can now be included along with images when presenting;
- Multiple images and text fields can be accommodated on a single slide;
- Zoomed-in portions of an image can be saved for display on a slide;
- The background color behind the images and text, as well as the entire slide, can be customized;
- A smaller, presentation-only file can be exported without requiring the full-size image files;
- Presentations can be exported in a format compatible with the previous version of the Offline Image Viewer;
- Connections to ARTstor for authentication and for downloading Image Groups can be accommodated through certain proxy servers;
- Users can choose where the image file cache will reside on their machine;
- Users can choose the maximum amount of memory the application will be permitted to use on their computer.